2011年3月12日 星期六

Honda Accord 汽車創意廣告跳傘篇

這是日本本田公司花費【50萬英鎊】拍攝一則電視廣告,19名空中造型動作的跳傘運動員,從空中花了3分20秒排列組成【"H-O-N-D-A"】字樣,此廣告是直播的,真的是專業水準,Difficult is worth doing(困難的是值得做的事情)。

Difficult is worth doing: Honda Accord Live TV Ad

Organisers were yesterday hoping the weather in Spain would hold as the team practised. "There will be no time delay and no CGI [computer-generated imagery]. If it works, people will know who it's for. If it doesn't, they won't," said Ian Armstrong, Honda's manager of customer communications.

The stunt is a means of gaining publicity for Honda's new multi-million pound ad campaign, which features 45 skydivers promoting the Honda Accord by creating a series of shapes over the Mojave desert to reflect new features on the car.

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